In a few words...

Penguin Store was born in 2018 and was founded with a unique goal: to share a real passion for penguin and create a community of mutual help around these Antarctica's bird!

To do this, all means are good: daily tips or tricks, practical guides, various information and of course, a little fun on social networks! Today, the project is still going on, and more and more penguin fans are joining in, and all the funny videos about penguins are flooding the web, thanks to YOU!

This project puts animal welfare at the forefront and we are really happy to see that more and more of us share the same values!

A team of passionate people

What would be Penguin Store without its members? To make our beautiful platform evolve, it was obviously necessary for our team to get involved! Well... when you spend long hours sharing, writing or even in the presence of beautiful penguins, we can't really say that this activity is very demanding!


Passionate about animals and the web, it is from him that the concept of Penguin store comes! Having the well-being of animals at heart, he would like to bring, in his own way, his contribution to the animal world, by educating people about the several species of penguin, there's actual situation and there symbolism...


Penguin Store is what he considers to be his most beautiful project, and he keeps on developing it to make it, in the long run, the reference platform for our friends the penguins. One thing is sure: we haven't finished talking about us!

Layla - EDITOR

Curious by nature, kind to humans and animals and contributes to the world of penguin by using her beautiful writing skills!


Having visited many penguin in the past, she knows our favorite one very well and takes great pleasure in talking about them. You can enjoy her articles and valuable information by visiting our blog to which she contributes, or on other pages of our site!


In charge of the visual part of the website and our contents, Kim brings us her sense of aestheticism and her taste for refined visuals!


Fan of all kinds of art, and CRAZY of penguin (like all of us!), she illustrates these two passions by making custom penguin portraits, thanks to her again...

A big THANK YOU to all our contributors

If you know our blog dedicated to penguins, you have probably noticed that it is rich in information! Without our dear collaborators, it would be impossible for us to offer you so much quality content!

Multiple surveys, in-depth research and an overflowing imagination are the tools of the Penguin store staff! If you appreciate our product guides, the practical tips to take care of your penguin t-shirt or other unusual articles, don't hesitate to let us know, and as always, share them around you!

And for the next step ?

At Penguin Store, ideas are always coming! We are constantly developing new sections on our site to provide you with exclusive and most useful content! If you have any recommendations yourself, don't hesitate to contact us directly and let us know!

Concrete actions related to helping endangered species reducing animal abuse are also envisaged in the future. As soon as we can make them happen, you will be the first to know! Stay tuned to our news, and share with us this beautiful adventure!